Vachan Prerna Diwas, also known as the "Reading Inspiration Day," is celebrated in India on 15th October every year. The day is observed in memory of former President of India, Dr. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam, who passed away on 27th July 2015. Dr. Kalam was a renowned scientist, scholar, and statesman who inspired millions of people through his life and work.
On Vachan Prerna Diwas, people pay tribute to Dr. Kalam and celebrate his legacy by sharing his inspiring quotes and messages on social media platforms. The day is observed to encourage and inspire young people to pursue their dreams and work hard towards achieving their goals.
Our school organises various programs and activities to honor Dr. Kalam and his teachings. These may include essay writing competitions, debates, and speeches on topics related to his life and achievements.
Vachan Prerna Diwas is a reminder of the power of positive thinking, hard work, and perseverance in achieving success. Dr. Kalam's life and work continue to inspire people around the world, and his legacy serves as a source of motivation for generations to come.